Drug Possession Attorneys in Cinnaminson NJ
April 15, 2020
Cinnaminson Township happens to be one of Burlington County’s more affluent towns. Given its proximity to metropolitan areas like Philadelphia and Trenton, it is no surprise that Cinnaminson’s residential population exceeds nearly 16,000 people. Additionally, with major roadways like Route 130, Route 90, Route 73 and Route 543, Cinnaminson has a great deal of commuter traffic. In an effort to keep the residents and roadways safe, Cinnaminson Township Police remain ultra-vigilgant of any possible crimes. What may have begun as a harmless traffic stop can easily become a criminal arrest for possession of marijuana, prescription drug possession, possession of drug paraphernalia, CDS in a Motor Vehicle or Driving While Intoxicated. As can be seen from published statistics, Cinnaminson Police routinely issue over 50 DWIs and 500 criminal charges each year alone! These types of criminal or traffic offenses are very serious and, if convicted, could have a devastating affect on your future.
Proetta, Oliver & Fay is a criminal defense law firm that represents defendants charged with drug possession in Cinnaminson Township. Depending on the nature of your charges and the controlled dangerous substance involved, you case will either be handled in the Cinnaminson Township Municipal Court as a disorderly persons offense or the Burlington County Superior Court as an indictable offense. Whether you are the person who was charged or you are looking for assistance on behalf of a family member, our offices are available to help. Firm Partner, William C. Fay, is a former New Jersey Deputy Attorney General and heads our Burlington County Criminal Defense Practice Group. For an immediate and confidential consultation with Mr. Fay, please call 609-850-8284.
Charges for Drug Possession in Cinnaminson Township
Under NJSA 2C:35-10, possession of a controlled dangerous substance will have different degrees of severity depending upon the type of drug and the amount involved. One of the most common drug possession charges involves possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana. This type of criminal charge is prosecuted as a disorderly persons offense (i.e. misdemeanor). Alternatively, drug possession involving controlled dangerous substances like cocaine, heroin, MDMA, Crystal Meth, Xanax and Oxycontin are considered third degree indictable offenses. While a disorderly persons offense would only carry up to six (6) months in the Burlington County Jail, a third degree indictable offense carries up to five (5) years in a New Jersey State Prison!
Depending upon your prior criminal history, you may be eligible for certain diversionary programs like conditional discharge, pretrial intervention or drug court. For more information on these programs and how they may apply to your case, please contact our office.
What Court do I go to for a Drug Possession Charge in Cinnaminson Township?
The answer to this question will depend entirely on what type of drug and the amount of that drug that was found on your person during the arrest. For example, any charges involving under 50 grams of marijuana or drug paraphernalia will be handled by the Cinnaminson Municipal Court. Conversely, if you are arrested for possession of a drug like heroin, cocaine, prescription drugs, or methamphetamine, then your court appearance will be at the Burlington County Superior Court for a Pre-Indictment Conference. Some cases that are originally sent to the Burlington County Superior Court may be remanded based on your attorney’s conversations with the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office.
For juveniles, even if your case involves a disorderly persons offense, you will still have your case heard by the Burlington County Superior Court, Family Division. Fore more information on how juvenile cases are handled, please contact our office.
Need to Find a Lawyer for Drug Charges in Cinnaminson
As demonstrated in the information above, criminal charges involving drug possession require your full attention. Even if you are a first time offender with little likelihood or incarceration, the criminal record alone could be enough to derail your future. Our Firm is comprised of attorneys who have dedicated their careers to the practice of criminal law. We are fully aware of the “ins-and-outs” involved in the Cinnaminson Municipal Court and Burlington County Superior Court. If you would like a consultation with an attorney, please contact our office today at (609) 850-8284. We can be reached 24/7 for your convenience and will gladly discuss what possible options best fit your needs.