Deep Dive into New Jersey’s Open Container Statute and Violations
September 7, 2024
Statutory Provisions for Open Containers and What Violating 39:4-51b in NJ Could Mean for You Common Misconceptions Surrounding Open Container Laws in New Jersey Most people assume that a DWI can get you arrested in New Jersey. You may not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs on New Jersey's roads. Most are also aware that it is illegal to drive with an open container, but many are mistaken in their assumption that a DWI and having an open container in your vehicle ... Read More»
How You Could Find Yourself Arrested for Ambien in New Jersey
August 28, 2024
Defense Attorneys Handling Ambien Charges in Burlington County NJ Insomnia can be debilitating, disrupting your daily activities when you feel sleepy all day. Sometimes, sleep aids like Ambien can be prescribed with the intention of improving your quality of life when sleep deprivation erodes your peace and happiness. Unfortunately, violating New Jersey laws related to Ambien can lead to criminal charges and arrest. Illegal possession of Ambien is a serious drug charge in New ... Read More»
Is There a Crime for Statutory Rape in New Jersey?
August 23, 2024
Burlington County Statutory Rape Defense Lawyers Most people associate statutory rape as sex with a minor or forced sex with a minor. Rape typically evokes force and violence, which is typical of sexual assault. However, statutory rape is not exclusively rape in the usual sense of forcible, nonconsensual sex. In fact, statutory rape is not a separate crime in New Jersey. It is the basis for many criminal sex acts, such as criminal sexual contact, aggravated sexual assault, sexual ... Read More»
Facing Criminal Charges for Filing a False Police Report in New Jersey
August 9, 2024
Burlington County False Police Report Defense Attorneys Filing a false police report to your benefit or another’s detriment can end badly for you in New Jersey. Reporting a theft that did not occur or an imaginary restraining order violation by your ex is punishable deception under NJ law. While it may not seem a big deal, filing a false report wastes law enforcement resources and time. It also uses the police department to promote a falsity that injures another. As such, New Jersey ... Read More»
I Went Through Conditional Discharge for Marijuana, Can I Get Into PTI for New Charges in NJ?
August 2, 2024
PTI Eligibility for Applicants with Past Marijuana-Related Conditional Discharges in New Jersey Diversionary programs aim to help a first-time offender rehabilitate and turn their life around without having to bear the burden of a criminal record that could further impact them long after their case ends. The one time only rule for diversionary programs in New Jersey precludes a defendant from getting into a program like this again, after they have already enrolled in a program like ... Read More»
NJ Criminal Charges Against Residents from Other States
July 26, 2024
Don't Live in NJ But You Got Arrested? Here's What You Need to Know The Garden State is a popular destination for visitors across the nation and overseas. Family, vacationers, businesspeople, and passersby, come to stay or pass through on their way to neighboring states. New Jersey has waterfront vacation spots, commerce, national parks, and entertainment of all sorts. The unsuspecting visitor may be unaware of New Jersey’s laws, however, and find themselves in trouble. The ... Read More»