Diversionary Programs for NJ Criminal Charges – Can You Avoid a Conviction?
April 24, 2022
The law does not assume everyone who commits a crime is a hardened criminal beyond redemption. In fact, the purpose of law and the judicial system is to punish and rehabilitate. The intricate web of crime and punishment weaves those two principles throughout the sentencing process, including judicial discretion, uniform assessment guidelines, and diversionary programs for first-time, non-violent offenders. Three diversionary programs in particular in New Jersey, allow qualified offenders a ... Read More»
Was that Search Legal in NJ?
April 9, 2022
Criminal Defense Lawyer Discusses Legal vs. Illegal Searches in Burlington, NJ A police patrol vehicle flashes its lights behind you to pull over. After handing over your license, registration, and proof of insurance, the officer asks you to step outside the vehicle. Before the encounter ends, the police search your car and then search you after finding cocaine in your car. After arrest and release, you wonder if the police search was legal. Asking an experienced criminal defense ... Read More»