Burlington Office


Our law firm has successfully handled thousands of criminal, DWI, and municipal court charges throughout Burlington County and New Jersey.

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Everything You Need to Know about Criminal Contempt in New Jersey

January 6, 2025

Contempt is a criminal charge in New Jersey which can occur in a myriad of different ways. Under N.J. Stat. § 2C:29-9, contempt is a serious offense with harsh penalties. Its purpose is to punish those who disobey court orders or rules. Understandably, a court does not take lightly a defendant’s disregard of the judicial process or the orderly oversight of court-ordered behaviors and obligations. Since a judicial order may arise in any context, civil or criminal, contempt may arise in ... Read More»

Examining the Use of Technology in Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Practices

November 25, 2024

What Part Do Tech Advances Play in Criminal Defense? As society changes at breakneck speed with the advancement of technology, all areas of daily life are connected through social media, digitalization, and computer software, to name a few significant technological spaces. Criminal defense work is one area where technology plays a huge role in expanding investigative and informational spaces. New tools in criminal defense allow lawyers and clients to expedite communication and case ... Read More»

Implications of Miranda Rights in Criminal Law

September 27, 2024

The Enduring Power of Miranda Warnings and How They Can be Pivotal for Your Defense in New Jersey Most people have probably heard police officers advise a handcuffed suspect, "You have the right to remain silent," in television shows or movies. However, they may not know where that right comes from or what it means. The right to remain silent is one of the warnings that police must give to a detained criminal suspect before interrogating them. The requirement to read these rights ... Read More»

Defense Tactics to Challenge Assault Charges in NJ

September 14, 2024

Just as it sounds, aggravated assault is a crime characterized by more grave acts than those usually involved in simple assault. However, no matter what type of assault you have been charged with in New Jersey, the law seeks to punish these violations severely. A conviction for aggravated assault can result in lengthy incarceration, high fines, and a criminal record that trails you for a long time. Simple assault also carries with it potential jail time, fines, and a damaging criminal ... Read More»

Facing Criminal Charges for Filing a False Police Report in New Jersey

August 9, 2024

Burlington County False Police Report Defense Attorneys Filing a false police report to your benefit or another’s detriment can end badly for you in New Jersey. Reporting a theft that did not occur or an imaginary restraining order violation by your ex is punishable deception under NJ law. While it may not seem a big deal, filing a false report wastes law enforcement resources and time. It also uses the police department to promote a falsity that injures another. As such, New Jersey ... Read More»

I Went Through Conditional Discharge for Marijuana, Can I Get Into PTI for New Charges in NJ?

August 2, 2024

PTI Eligibility for Applicants with Past Marijuana-Related Conditional Discharges in New Jersey Diversionary programs aim to help a first-time offender rehabilitate and turn their life around without having to bear the burden of a criminal record that could further impact them long after their case ends. The one time only rule for diversionary programs in New Jersey precludes a defendant from getting into a program like this again, after they have already enrolled in a program like ... Read More»

Contact Us

Our phones are answered 24 hours a day. We are available weekdays during business hours. We also meet with clients on evenings and weekends by request. We have four office locations conveniently located in Jersey City, Edison, Middletown, Cranford, Burlington, and Hamilton. All major credit cards are accepted.

Burlington Office

525 Highway 73,
Suite 104, Marlton,
New Jersey 08053
Phone: 609-850-8284
By Appointment Only

Hamilton Office

100 Horizon Center
Boulevard, Hamilton,
New Jersey, 08691
By Appointment Only

Point Pleasant Office

3828 River Road,
Suite A, Point Pleasant,
New Jersey 08742
By Appointment Only

Middletown Office

180 Kings Highway,
Middletown Township,
New Jersey 07748
By Appointment Only