New Jersey Misdemeanors, Felonies, Process, & Penalties
June 25, 2022
Criminal Attorneys Explain Classification of Offenses and Punishments in NJ Just across the border, a crime in Pennsylvania can get you a totally different sentence involving fines and prison. In New Jersey, however, the categories of crimes and offenses, as well as the respective penalties for each, are unique to this state. What 43 other states call a felony is an indictable crime in New Jersey. In addition, what other states call misdemeanors are disorderly persons ... Read More»
10-Year Step Down to Lower a DWI Sentence in New Jersey
June 12, 2022
Those who know the law in New Jersey understand that a DWI conviction results in a harsh sentence, even for first-time offenders. But if you have more than one DUI, the penalties increase significantly for each offense. And while New Jersey still punishes drunk driving severely, the 2008 law change to DWI sentencing gave some offenders a break. Before 2008, there was basically nothing a convicted driver could do to reduce their sentence. After 2008, New Jersey adopted the DWI ten-year ... Read More»
Consequences of a NJ Drug Crime Conviction
May 29, 2022
The consequences for a drug crime conviction in New Jersey are severe and far-reaching. You can serve a lengthy prison term and pay enormous fees, whether your offense is drug possession, drug distribution, manufacturing, or sales. Even after serving a sentence, the punishment continues long after you pay the crime debt to society. Moreover, since drug charges typically overlap, compounded punishment lengthens prison terms. Finally, it raises fine amounts. As a result, defending ... Read More»
How can a Criminal Offense Affect my Professional License in New Jersey?
May 15, 2022
Criminal Attorneys Help Clients Avoid Repercussions of a Criminal Charge in Mount Laurel and other Burlington County Towns If you have a criminal record or have been charged with a criminal offense in New Jersey, you may worry about your professional license or applying for one. Many professional licenses, such as those for nurses, attorneys, medical doctors, real estate brokers, teachers, contractors, cosmetologists, architects, automotive repair dealers, and psychologists, require ... Read More»
Diversionary Programs for NJ Criminal Charges – Can You Avoid a Conviction?
April 24, 2022
The law does not assume everyone who commits a crime is a hardened criminal beyond redemption. In fact, the purpose of law and the judicial system is to punish and rehabilitate. The intricate web of crime and punishment weaves those two principles throughout the sentencing process, including judicial discretion, uniform assessment guidelines, and diversionary programs for first-time, non-violent offenders. Three diversionary programs in particular in New Jersey, allow qualified offenders a ... Read More»
Was that Search Legal in NJ?
April 9, 2022
Criminal Defense Lawyer Discusses Legal vs. Illegal Searches in Burlington, NJ A police patrol vehicle flashes its lights behind you to pull over. After handing over your license, registration, and proof of insurance, the officer asks you to step outside the vehicle. Before the encounter ends, the police search your car and then search you after finding cocaine in your car. After arrest and release, you wonder if the police search was legal. Asking an experienced criminal defense ... Read More»