Beverly NJ Criminal Defense Lawyer
While only comprised of roughly 2,500 residents, Beverly, NJ, still ranks among Burlington Counties most violent cities. If you or someone you love have been arrested and charge with a criminal offense in Beverly, including but not limited to, Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault, Possession of Marijuana, Distribution of Drugs, Driving While Intoxicated or Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful Purpose, call the Burlington County Criminal Defense Lawyers at Proetta, Oliver & Fay. Whether your matter is with the Beverly City Municipal Court or the Burlington County Superior Court, our team of trial attorneys are prepared to step in on your behalf. Firm Partner and Former New Jersey Deputy Attorney General, William C. Fay, is available an immediate consultation with you and your family to discuss your matter. Our Mount Laurel Office can be reached day and night by calling (609) 850-8284. The initial consultation is complimentary so do not hesitate to reach out for guidance.
Beverly City NJ Municipal Court
The Beverly Municipal Court handles roughly 125 disorderly persons and petty disorderly persons criminal offenses every year. This is in addition to another 300 or so traffic violations such as Speeding, Reckless Driving and Driving While Suspended. The Municipal Court’s address is 446 Broad Street Beverly, NJ 08010. For more information on the court, please see below:
Phone Number: 609-747-4073
Fax Number: 609-386-1351
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Court Sessions: 8:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M.
Judge: Honorable Richard Andronici, J.M.C.
Prosecutor: Kimberly Garrigues, Esquire.
Court Admin: Donna Wojculewski, C.M.C.A.:
Criminal Defense Attorney in Beverly City, NJ
If you have a pending criminal offense or traffic violation in Burlington County, contact an attorney. Most people are embarrassed to the point that they simply plead guilty to avoid additionally discomfort. However, without understanding the nature of your charges and the potential financial pitfalls, you could be making a big mistake. The law offices of Proetta, Oliver & Fay is a Criminal Defense Law Firm that can assist you with any charges you may have been issued. For an immediate consultation with a criminal defense attorney, call (609) 850-8284.